Minggu, 11 September 2011

Signs of the Polluted Ground Water

There are many indicators that show the level of groundwater contamination, which must be done in the laboratory. But simply contaminated groundwater can also be identified through physical observation.
To get a good quality ground water, wells must be made with a certain depth. Wells are too shallow to be filled with water surface, which is more easily contaminated by a contaminant or pollutant.
Source pollution consists of natural pollutants (mineral and microorganisms) and artificial pollutants. Man-made pollutants such as residues (residual) are generally more harmful chemicals than natural pollutants.
Made pollutants can come from household waste, industrial or agricultural. Of households which include water used laundry soap. From more diverse industries, from agriculture, among others, while fertilizers and pesticides.
Clean water suitable for consumption should be odorless, tasteless and colorless.Pollution causes a change in the trait.
Signs that the groundwater was contaminated can be identified through physical observation. Some of them quoted from Indiastudychannel bleak, Tuesday (25/05/2010) are:
1. Yellowish color will appear if the chromium contaminated water and organic material.If the water is yellowish red, it indicates the existence of iron contamination. While impurities in the form of mud will give brownish red color.
2. Turbidity is also a sign that the groundwater has been polluted by the colloid (bio sticky substances like gum or glue). Mud, clay and various microorganisms such as plankton and other particles can cause water to become turbid.
3. Pollutants in the form of minerals will make the ground water has a specific taste.

 If it tastes bitter, the trigger can include iron, aluminum, manganese, sulfate and lime in large quantities.

4. Ground water that tasted like soap water indicate the presence of alkali contamination. The source can be sodium bicarbonate, as well as other materials such as washing detergent.

5. While the taste brackish show a high salt content, often occur in the area around the river mouth.
6. The smell that wafted in groundwater also showed contamination. Whatever it smells, it was demonstrated that the groundwater unfit for consumption.

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