Minggu, 11 September 2011

How to Remove Insects of the Ear

erangga often enter the ear, especially in children. This can clog the ear, causing irritation and even temporary hearing loss. Do not let this last long, and immediately remove the insect.
Parts of the ear canal is a dark, warm and protected is an ideal habitat for insects.Unfortunately, earwax protects the ear canal is very sticky, making the insects can not get out.
Prior to the hospital, first aid can be done to remove the insect from the ear.
As quoted from eHow on Monday (5/24/2010), the following can be done to help remove the insect from the ear according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine:
1. Evaluation of complaints of childInsects usually crackling noise or hum, and may be accompanied by tingling in the ear canal.
2. Do not insert fingers or other objects into the earFingers or other objects such as tweezers or a cotton swab into the ear, can encourage insects getting in and may make the insect sting, so the injured lining the ear or eardrum.
3. Remain calm and not panicChildren usually see the response shown by the parents. To be able to remove the insect from the ear, parents should remain calm and not panic, so the child becomes calm. Poise should also be done if the intruding insect adults.
4. Put your head on the sink or tub, with the troubled ear facing upward.
5. Fill the ear with baby oil (baby oil) or mineral oil, olive oil and vegetable oilPull the little ears to eliminate air bubbles and wait two minutes. It will drown the insects, making it easier to remove.
6. Pour a cup of warm water to clean the ear slowly, which allows it to spill out.
7. Tilt the head to drain the oil and water out
8. Look closely at the insects that come out of the ear canal. If not complete, repeat the previous steps until all the fragments of insects out.
9. If you still can not remove the insect, do not be enforced, and immediately look for medical assistance.

Voice heal Hoarseness or Missing

Hoarseness or loss will certainly interfere with the activity, especially if you're a broadcaster or a singer who works rely on sound. How to cure a hoarse voice and gone?
Larynx is also called the voice box, is part of the respiratory tract containing the vocal cords. Outer wall of the cartilaginous larynx is often referred to as the 'Adams apple', the two muscle bands that form the letter 'V' in the larynx. When singing or speaking, the vocal cords vibrate and produce sound.
Hoarseness can be caused by several factors. The most common is irritation and injury to the vocal cords or acute laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords), which is caused by upper respiratory tract infection (usually viral) and more frequently due to overuse or misuse of the voice, like a shout or song of the high notes.
As reported by MedicineNet, Tuesday (25/05/2010), here are some other causes of hoarseness:
Benign vocal cord nodulesGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ie symptoms or mucosal damage produced by abnormal reflux of gastric acid in the esophagusAllergySmoked or inhaled irritantsTonsilTrauma to the larynx or vocal cordsNeurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and strokeCancer of the larynx
And a surefire way to deal with is as follows:
1. Save soundWhen he was hoarse, do not use sound for a while. Do not talk let alone whisper, a whisper can be more stressful because of the vocal cords than normal speech.
2. Drink warm beveragesDrink plenty of warm drinks will soothe your throat. Drink 6 to 8 glasses per day will help keep the throat moist. But do not drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, as this will aggravate your voice.
3. Eating foods that are easy to swallowPureed or soft foods are easy to swallow could help overcome temporary hoarseness.
4. Avoid allergensAvoid dry environment and barasap or places that can trigger your allergies, because it can make a dry throat and hoarse voice worsen.
5. Antibiotic drugAcute laryngitis is caused by upper respiratory tract infections, usually will fix itself as an infection of the body clean. Conservative treatment that suppresses coughing (nonalcoholic), antibiotics or pain relievers can also help.
6. Stop smokingWhen you are hoarse voice caused by too much smoke, then stop these bad habits, because not only make a hoarse voice, but also a precursor to a variety of degenerative diseases.
7. Breathe in the steamInhaling steam from hot water can reduce inflammation and thin the mucus and relieve hoarseness.
8. Do not use mouthwash
Avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol, because alcohol can worsen the irritation.

9. SurgeryIn some cases, surgery may be needed to cope with benign nodules or polyps, trauma to the larynx or vocal cords, and laryngeal cancer.

Signs of the Polluted Ground Water

There are many indicators that show the level of groundwater contamination, which must be done in the laboratory. But simply contaminated groundwater can also be identified through physical observation.
To get a good quality ground water, wells must be made with a certain depth. Wells are too shallow to be filled with water surface, which is more easily contaminated by a contaminant or pollutant.
Source pollution consists of natural pollutants (mineral and microorganisms) and artificial pollutants. Man-made pollutants such as residues (residual) are generally more harmful chemicals than natural pollutants.
Made pollutants can come from household waste, industrial or agricultural. Of households which include water used laundry soap. From more diverse industries, from agriculture, among others, while fertilizers and pesticides.
Clean water suitable for consumption should be odorless, tasteless and colorless.Pollution causes a change in the trait.
Signs that the groundwater was contaminated can be identified through physical observation. Some of them quoted from Indiastudychannel bleak, Tuesday (25/05/2010) are:
1. Yellowish color will appear if the chromium contaminated water and organic material.If the water is yellowish red, it indicates the existence of iron contamination. While impurities in the form of mud will give brownish red color.
2. Turbidity is also a sign that the groundwater has been polluted by the colloid (bio sticky substances like gum or glue). Mud, clay and various microorganisms such as plankton and other particles can cause water to become turbid.
3. Pollutants in the form of minerals will make the ground water has a specific taste.

 If it tastes bitter, the trigger can include iron, aluminum, manganese, sulfate and lime in large quantities.

4. Ground water that tasted like soap water indicate the presence of alkali contamination. The source can be sodium bicarbonate, as well as other materials such as washing detergent.

5. While the taste brackish show a high salt content, often occur in the area around the river mouth.
6. The smell that wafted in groundwater also showed contamination. Whatever it smells, it was demonstrated that the groundwater unfit for consumption.

The Other Side of the Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali or also known as Earth Stake already very well known as male virility enhancer. Not only efficacious, it turns out there's another side that Tongkat Ali has side effects.
Tongkat Ali is a tree originating from several Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.
Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma longifolia is a local name for medium-sized tree with slender stems, which can reach a maximum height of about ten meters.
This is the root of the tree of the rain forest, which has been used as an herbal remedy since ancient times. The name 'Tongkat Ali' is the roots of nature comes a long and circular. Tree growth is very slow, it takes about 25 years to mature.
The roots of Tongkat Ali claimed to have properties that can increase testosterone. This plant is now popular as Viagra Asia, longjack, and others. However, some side effects of Tongkat Ali has also been reported.
Now, Tongkat Ali is widely used as herbal medicines. This root is available in dry form, powder or extract. This root has been used in traditional medicine in many Asian countries, as an aphrodisiac (aphrodisiac), which stimulates sexual desire.
Tongkat Ali is mainly used to increase libido, sexual stamina, and fertility. In some areas, are also used in the treatment of impotence and erectile dysfunction.
In addition, the materials contained therein can be a supplement to build muscle, because increased levels of testosterone leads to increased muscle mass.
Tongkat Ali herb is also known to have anti-malarial agents, anti-tumor, anti-pyretic (lowers body temperature) and anti-bacterial.
Tongkat Ali is also useful to equalize and balance the circulation of blood in the body. It is said that tongkat ali good for boosting the immune system and reproductive system.
However, despite the Tongkat Ali has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries, there is no scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of this herb.
Although most users are satisfied with the work of tongkat ali, but there are some reports of some side effects tongkat ali.
As quoted from eHow, Tuesday (25/05/2010) The following are side effects of Tongkat Ali plants:
1. Sleep problems and fatigueTongkat Ali has been reported to cause sleep disorders are insomnia and fatigue.
2. NervousSome people also become more agitated or impatient.
3. PalpitationsRapid heartbeat is sometimes a side effect on Tongkat Ali. It is more likely to occur if taken in large doses.
4. Testosterone levelsTongkat Ali increases testosterone, it is not recommended for people with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, liver problems, prostate or breast cancer patients.
5. Increased body temperatureSome people also report an increase in body temperature well above normal.
6. The immune systemA number of testosterone can also cause the immune system is not functioning. This can cause harmful effects on healthy people and more harmful effects in people with immunodeficiency disorders. Tongkat Ali is also not allowed for men who are taking immunosuppressant medications.

Singing Can Reduce Colon Pain Irritation

Singing may be a predilection for causing many people a sense of comfort. Not only that, singing with the choir doctor recommended for patients with irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Singing is active once a week can reduce the stress which means relieve IBS. Just so you know, IBS is a syndrome, digestive disorders that can be influenced by certainpsychological factors, such as stress.

It is delivered by a team of Swedish researchers who studied the link between singingin a choir and irritable bowel syndrome.

"The benefits of relaxation are commonly associated with the choir might actually have a positive impact on symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome disorders, at least in the short term," said Christina Grape, author of the study from Stockholm University, as quoted from Health24, Wednesday (26/5/2010 ).

In studies conducted in 2006, participants who are IBS patients were divided into twogroups, one assigned to join the choir and other groups to follow the group discussion.Both groups met three to four times a month for a year.

Researchers selected two groups of these activities to see whether participants in the choir, which is often regarded as a community leisure activities, also may have therapeutic potential for patients with IBS.

Saliva sampled participants before attending the study group, then after 6 months, 9 months and 1 year after attending a study group.

This is done to measure levels of testosterone are associated with stress levels. Thus it can be known how many people are experiencing stress and its relation to disease IBS.

Researchers found that in the study group are active choir sings once a week, there is areduction of stress since the first six months. Which means it also can relieve IBSdisease.

Easily Broken Nails Causes

Some people sometimes have a problem nails that break easily or fragile, of course, can interfere with performance. What causes a person's nails break easily?
Fingernails and toenails are made up of layers of protein, while the thickness and strength of nails is an inherited thing.
In people who have the problem of fragile or brittle nails, then there is a separation or breakdown of protein coating on the nail.
Some symptoms can be observed if a person has this disorder that is peeled the top of the nail, the nail becomes brittle and the inability of the nail to grow.
As quoted from UIMC.discoveryhospital, Wednesday (05/26/2010) The main cause of the fragility of nails is extreme dryness of the nail, while several other individuals have a genetic propensity for brittle nails.
With age, one's nails will be dry and brittle. While other causes of drought nail is dry air, low humidity, warm baths or showers that are too long can also make nails dry.
Another cause of brittle nails is affected by the disease or condition and other factors.
Diseases and conditions that cause brittle nails include:
Hypothyroidism, a condition caused by low levels of thyroid hormones in the body.Raynaud's Phenomenon, a disorder that affects the arteries in the arms and legs.Skin diseases, such as psoriasis, alopecia areata.Endocrine disruption, like-Sjogren-Larsson syndrome that causes a person's skin to become dry.Malnutrition or poor nutrition.Both infections caused by fungi or bacteria.There are possible problems on the immune system that makes the nails become brittle, or also had higher levels of calcium, zinc and iron are low.
Other factors that may increase the risk of brittle nails include:
Frequent hand washing, especially if using warm water.Too long exposure to cold or dry weather, causing dryness of the nail.Sunburn or skin conditions are rough.Too frequent or excess exposure to chemicals, such as nail polish remover substance.Repeated injury to the nail tip.Feet or hands are often sweaty or not drying properly wet nails.Repeated exposure of detergents that use harsh chemicals.
Therefore, to prevent the nails do not break easily and can have strong nails, there are several treatments that can be done to protect as well as cope with brittle nails, namely:

Begin to cut the nails regularly and evenly so as to allow the nail to grow strong and healthy.Never do the nail biting habit.Dietary changes to help improve the health of nails, for example, with adequate water consumption, calcium, vitamins A, C, protein, folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc are essential for the nails.Try to use a hand moisturizer that contains no alcohol, because alcohol can cause the nails to dry.Avoiding the use of nails for digging or as a scraper because it can weaken the nail enamel.Washing hands after touching something or nail infections, as well as the use of cotton socks and change every day.Using gloves while doing housework and cleaning products that use contain chemicals.Amplifier applying nail every week, but try not to overuse of artificial nails or nail color.

If the Frequent Night Sweating

Night sweats can occur if the temperature is hot in the bedroom or use a thick bed clothes that do not absorb sweat. But if the condition does not occur, but still experienced excessive sweating at night, you should find out what causes it.
In a study of 2267 patients who visit doctors, found that about 41 percent of men reported experiencing excessive sweating at night for a month or more. This indicates that the condition is already a common thing that people often complain about.
There are many different causes of night sweats. To determine what the cause, doctors usually must use a complete medical history and diagnostic tests to decide what conditions that underlie it.
As quoted from WebMD, Wednesday (26/05/2010) there are some conditions that are known to cause a person experiences excessive sweating at night, namely:

Menopause, the transition period when a woman will enter menopause often cause a person experiences excessive sweating and this condition is very common cause of postmenopausal women aged.Idiopathic hyperhidrosis, a condition where the sweat glands in the body produces too much sweat and until now not known medical cause is identified.Infection, there are various kinds of infections that can cause a person sweat at night, but the infection most often associated with this condition is tuberculosis. There was also a variety of other infections that trigger these conditions such as infective endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone) or HIV infection.
Cancer, some types of cancer are also associated with this condition such as lymphoma, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss and unexplained fever. Certain medications, certain drugs have some side effects such as night sweats antidepressants, psychiatric drugs, fever-lowering medications that contain aspirin and acetaminophen, high doses of niacin (a drug for lipid disorders), tamoxifen, nitroglycerin and Viagra.
Hypoglycemia, the condition of the body that have low blood sugar levels can also cause night sweats.Hormone disruption, not all hormonal disorder causing night sweats, but some disruption of hormones that trigger this condition is a pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome and hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone levels to normal).Neurological conditions, several neurological conditions including stroke, autonomic dysreflexia or post-trauma.

If the Frequent Night Sweating

Night sweats can occur if the temperature is hot in the bedroom or use a thick bed clothes that do not absorb sweat. But if the condition does not occur, but still experienced excessive sweating at night, you should find out what causes it.
In a study of 2267 patients who visit doctors, found that about 41 percent of men reported experiencing excessive sweating at night for a month or more. This indicates that the condition is already a common thing that people often complain about.
There are many different causes of night sweats. To determine what the cause, doctors usually must use a complete medical history and diagnostic tests to decide what conditions that underlie it.
As quoted from WebMD, Wednesday (26/05/2010) there are some conditions that are known to cause a person experiences excessive sweating at night, namely:

Menopause, the transition period when a woman will enter menopause often cause a person experiences excessive sweating and this condition is very common cause of postmenopausal women aged.Idiopathic hyperhidrosis, a condition where the sweat glands in the body produces too much sweat and until now not known medical cause is identified.Infection, there are various kinds of infections that can cause a person sweat at night, but the infection most often associated with this condition is tuberculosis. There was also a variety of other infections that trigger these conditions such as infective endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone) or HIV infection.Cancer, some types of cancer are also associated with this condition such as lymphoma, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss and unexplained fever. Certain medications, certain drugs have some side effects such as night sweats antidepressants, psychiatric drugs, fever-lowering medications that contain aspirin and acetaminophen, high doses of niacin (a drug for lipid disorders), tamoxifen, nitroglycerin and Viagra

Hypoglycemia, the condition of the body that have low blood sugar levels can also cause night sweats.Hormone disruption, not all hormonal disorder causing night sweats, but some disruption of hormones that trigger this condition is a pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome and hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone levels to normal).Neurological conditions, several neurological conditions including stroke, autonomic dysreflexia or post-trauma.